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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

FIJBAS welcomes submissions in all areas of Business and allied studies from researchers worldwide. Information on submitting your manuscript is included below. Please contact us via if you have any questions about the submission process.

FIJBAS Article Types

FIJBAS publishes Original Research.  Every paper, must have an abstract. There is no limit to the number of articles to be submitted to FIJBAS but there is limit of number of pages to be submitted.

Comments critique or correct works already published in FIJBAS by other author(s). Each Comment should include an abstract and explicitly specify the paper it pertains to. A Comment must be written in a friendly tone, be relevant, and free of mistakes in order to be considered for publishing. While it is OK to critique the work, it is not acceptable to criticize the writers. Comments should not rehash arguments that have already been made public. These guidelines must also be followed when responding to a comment. The purpose of a Reply is not to simply repeat material from the original paper. On the website, there is a crosslink between a Comment and a Reply.

Corrections: Author(s) can ask for self-contained mistakes in articles published in the previous issue to be corrected. The Editors must approve the revisions, which will be evaluated for their impact on the correctness of research assertions, and information. The correction would only affect the online version of the article. Also, please keep in mind that corrections should only be made to matter that were known at the time the paper was published.

Errata: In the Errata section, you'll find notifications about mistakes or omissions in previously published publications. Other types of documents, in addition to typical Errata, may appear in this area, as indicated below. The original article and the document in the Errata section are interlinked. The correction document's category is specified in its title and in the link to the original article.

Standard Erratum is a note by the original paper's author(s) that briefly summarizes the correction(s) and, if relevant, any implications for the paper's findings.

A corrigendum is an inaccuracy in a printed document that must be fixed after it has been published.

An Editorial Note is a remark made by the journal concerning the paper that the editors believe should be made known to the article's readers.

Expression of Concern: It alerts the reader to a potential issue in a document. It is used when a concern with the publication has been brought to the Editors' notice and it may take a longer period to resolve the problem.

Retraction: this is a statement that a study should not be considered scientific literature. This might be due to a variety of factors, including the presentation of erroneous results and the inclusion of previously published results in a substantially similar format. The details of article retracted shall not be deleted from the online journal web-portal to preserve the honesty of the record, but it is given notice of retraction. When writers find significant scientific flaws, retractions are occasionally issued by the author(s); in other circumstances, the editors determine that retraction is necessary. In every situation, the retraction explains why such action was taken and who is to blame.

Initial Submissions
FIJBAS is format-neutral at initial submission, which means that manuscripts do not need to be formatted according to specific journal guidelines to be considered for review. We do, however, require the following information in order to evaluate your manuscript:

A manuscript file (in any format) including the following:
i. Title page (title, author list, Institution affiliation, email address and phone number)
ii. Abstract

iii. key words
iv. Introduction (Background of the study, Research problem, Significance and objectives)
v. Conceptual Framework
vi. Empirical Framework
vii. Theoretical Framework

viii. Methodology of the research

ix. Findings

x. Conclusion and Recommendation

xi. Suggestions for further Studies (Optional)

xii. References

FIJBAS will consider manuscripts for review as long as all components listed above are included in the submission. More granular details on manuscript formatting, including guidance on information to include in each section of the file, are included in the Manuscript Formatting Guidelines below.

Revised Submissions
Revised papers must be received within 3 months of the revision decision or they will be treated as new submissions. If you require additional time, please notify FIJBAS. In addition to the information provided at initial submission, revised submissions must also include:

a point-by-point response to reviewer comments, and
a tracked-changes version of the revised manuscript.

Revised submissions are encouraged to follow all Manuscript Formatting Guidelines, including the Publication-Ready Source File Guidelines. Please note that multiple revisions are rarely permitted, and there is no guarantee that the paper will be accepted. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding manuscript formatting or the revision process.

Manuscript Formatting Guidelines
Manuscript can be prepared in latex or MS-word but latex is preferred. Please use the templates below to prepare your manuscript for IJBAS TEMPLATE. Please contact FIJBAS if you have questions about submitting in MS-word and include the manuscript file as an attachment if possible.

Manuscript order
Submitting manuscript sections in the following order will allow us to locate important information more easily and may speed the review process.

  1. ABSTRACT: Abstract should contain

  • The topic

  • Study area

  • Source of data

  • Analytical tools

  • Major Findings

  • Major recommendations

  1. INTRODUCTIO: This should contain

  • Background of the study (the background must connect all the variables)

  • Research problem (this should show envisaged problem the study intends to solve)

  • Significance and objectives of the study

Note: the section (introduction) can be separated with paragraph or subtitle, it is at the author discretion

  1. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: The manuscript should conceptualize the whole variables in the research

  1. EMPIRICAL FRAMEWORK: The manuscript is expected to empirically review literatures in line with the variable in the study

  1. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: Manuscript should be underpinned in more related theories


This area should include the research design, data collection source, measurement of variables, analytical tools, justifications of the tools etc.


The findings should contain the all the discovering made by the study.


The summary and policy recommendation in line with the findings.


All suggestions and need for further research investigation are expected to be highlighted here by the author if he/she deem it necessary.


Authors are requested to use latest APA style unless the author discipline suggest otherwise.


Supply figures and schemes as high-resolution files whenever possible. Scan image are not accepted

FIJBAS strives to ensure articles are accessible for readers throughout the world by offering article PDFs that are easily suitable for downloading in any environment. In order to accommodate size and content, article PDFs are processed to display images at 200 ppi, which will guarantee quality at print size.

Provide all images at final size. While figures may be sized conservatively to save page space, FIJBAS reserves the right to make the final decision on figure size in published articles. Submit images in these file formats: PNG or JPG.

Figure legends

  • Include figure legends immediately after referencing the figure in the manuscript. Ensure that figure legends adhere to the following guidelines:

  • For figures with multiple panels, the first sentence of the legend should be a brief overview of the entire figure. Explicitly reference and describe each panel at least once in the figure legend.

  • Include clearly labeled error bars in all graphs and describe them in the figure legend.

  • State whether a number that follows the ± sign is a standard error (SEM) or a standard deviation (SD).

  • When applicable, provide the P value, magnification, or scale bar information.

  • Indicate the number of independent data points (N) represented in a graph in the legend.

  • Ensure that numerical axes on all graphs go to 0, except for log axes.


  • Ensure that the table is in an editable Word, or LaTeX format.

  • Include a brief title (above) and footnotes (below) the table.

  • Avoid multipart tables (Table 1A, Table 1B).


Section default policy

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.