Repository Policy
FULafia International Journal of Business and Allied Studies (FIJBAS) supports the dissemination of scholarly research and encourages authors to deposit versions of their work in institutional or other repositories to enhance accessibility and visibility. Authors are permitted to deposit the following versions of their manuscript in repositories of their choice:
Submitted Version:
- Authors may deposit the submitted version of their manuscript in institutional or disciplinary repositories immediately upon submission to FIJBAS.
- The submitted version should reflect the content and formatting of the manuscript as initially submitted to the journal, prior to peer review and editorial revisions.
Accepted Version (Author Accepted Manuscript):
- Upon acceptance for publication, authors may deposit the accepted version of their manuscript in repositories.
- The accepted version, also known as the author accepted manuscript (AAM), includes revisions made in response to peer review comments and editorial feedback, but may not incorporate journal-specific formatting or typesetting.
Published Version (Version of Record):
- Following publication in FIJBAS, authors may deposit the published version of their manuscript in repositories, subject to any embargo periods specified by the journal.
- The published version, also known as the version of record (VOR), reflects the final typeset and formatted version of the article as it appears in the journal, including pagination, layout, and any supplementary materials.
Repository deposit of manuscript versions is subject to the following conditions and guidelines:
- Authors are responsible for ensuring compliance with any copyright or licensing agreements associated with their work, including any restrictions on repository deposit imposed by third-party publishers.
- Authors should provide appropriate citation and attribution for deposited manuscripts, including acknowledgment of the journal of original publication and any relevant DOI or other identifying information.
- Repository deposit should adhere to relevant repository policies and procedures, including any embargo periods, access restrictions, or metadata requirements specified by the repository.
By providing authors with the flexibility to deposit manuscript versions in repositories, FIJBAS aims to promote open access to scholarly research and facilitate the broader dissemination and impact of published work in the field of business and allied studies.
For inquiries or additional information regarding repository deposit, authors are encouraged to contact the editorial office at