Guidelines for Author(s)
Thank you for considering FULafia International Journal of Business and Allied Studies (FIJBAS) as the platform for disseminating your research findings. To ensure the smooth processing of your manuscript and to maintain the high standards of scholarly publishing, please adhere to the following instructions:
Submission Guidelines:
- Manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the online submission system provided on the FIJBAS website or mailed to
- Prepare your manuscript in accordance with the FIJBAS manuscript template, which can be downloaded from the journal website.
- Ensure that your submission complies with the formatting and style guidelines outlined in the FIJBAS Author Guidelines document.
Manuscript Preparation:
- Structure your manuscript according to the following sections: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (Background of the study, Research problem, Significance and objectives), Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if applicable), and References.
- Use clear and concise language, and ensure that your manuscript is well-organized and logically structured.
- Provide appropriate headings and subheadings to facilitate readability and comprehension.
Originality and Plagiarism:
- Ensure that your manuscript is original and has not been published previously, nor is it under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Avoid plagiarism by properly citing and referencing all sources used in your manuscript. Plagiarism in any form will result in the immediate rejection of the manuscript.
Authorship and Conflict of Interest:
- Clearly identify all authors who have contributed to the manuscript, including their affiliations and contact information.
- Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from financial or personal relationships with individuals or organizations that could influence the interpretation or presentation of your research findings.
Ethical Considerations:
- Ensure that your research complies with ethical standards and guidelines, including obtaining necessary approvals for human subjects research and respecting the rights and confidentiality of study participants.
- Provide appropriate acknowledgment and permission for the use of copyrighted materials, including figures, tables, and excerpts from other sources.
Peer Review Process:
- All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality and validity of the research.
- Authors can expect timely feedback and communication regarding the status of their submission throughout the review process.
Copyright and Licensing:
- Authors retain the copyright to their published work, granting FIJBAS a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute the content.
- Ensure that you have obtained permission for any copyrighted materials included in your manuscript, and provide proper attribution as necessary.
Publication Ethics and Standards:
- Adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct throughout the research process and manuscript preparation.
- Avoid fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, and other forms of academic misconduct.
Open Access Policy:
- FIJBAS is committed to promoting open access to scholarly research. Authors are encouraged to archive their pre-print or post-print versions of their articles in institutional or disciplinary repositories to enhance accessibility and visibility.
Contact Information:
- For any inquiries regarding manuscript submission, guidelines, or the peer review process, please contact the editorial office at
By following these instructions, you can contribute to the success of FIJBAS as a reputable platform for scholarly research in the field of business and allied studies. We look forward to receiving your submissions and engaging with your valuable contributions to the academic community.
Initial Submissions: FIJBAS is format-neutral at initial submission, which means that manuscripts do not need to be formatted according to specific journal guidelines to be considered for review. We do, however, require the following information in order to evaluate your manuscript:
- Title page (title, author list, Institution affiliation, email address and phone number)
- Abstract
- key words
- Introduction (Background of the study, Research problem, Significance and objectives)
- Methodology of the research
- Findings
- Conclusion and Recommendation
- Suggestions for further Studies (Optional)
- References
FIJBAS will consider manuscripts for review as long as all components listed above are included in the submission. More granular details on manuscript formatting, including guidance on information to include in each section of the file, are included in the Manuscript Formatting Guidelines below.
Supply figures and schemes as high-resolution files whenever possible. Scan image are not accepted. FIJBAS strives to ensure articles are accessible for readers throughout the world by offering article PDFs that are easily suitable for downloading in any environment. In order to accommodate size and content, article PDFs are processed to display images at 200 ppi, which will guarantee quality at print size. Provide all images at final size. While figures may be sized conservatively to save page space, FIJBAS reserves the right to make the final decision on figure size in published articles. Submit images in these file formats: PNG or JPG.
Figure legends
- Include figure legends immediately after referencing the figure in the manuscript. Ensure that figure legends adhere to the following guidelines:
- For figures with multiple panels, the first sentence of the legend should be a brief overview of the entire figure. Explicitly reference and describe each panel at least once in the figure legend.
- Include clearly labeled error bars in all graphs and describe them in the figure legend.
- State whether a number that follows the ± sign is a standard error (SEM) or a standard deviation (SD).
- When applicable, provide the P value, magnification, or scale bar information.
- Indicate the number of independent data points (N) represented in a graph in the legend.
- Ensure that numerical axes on all graphs go to 0, except for log axes.
- Ensure that the table is in an editable Word, or LaTeX format.
- Include a brief title (above) and footnotes (below) the table.
- Avoid multipart tables (Table 1A, Table 1B).